November 12, 2011

Conversations with Angels

Conversations with Angels

The Angels were all singing out of tune.
~Lord Byron

When I sat down to write about Angels that became the basis for this book, I meditated on connecting with the Source of Love and Light.

Then I asked this question:

What is the Message I am bringing with this writing?

Then I sat and waited for an answer.

Then I started writing.

The following entries are what I wrote during that session.
I have no recollection of the content of that writing, only that I was typing something really fast. 
When the session was over I saved the file and was asked to read it outloud. 
When I read it I was just as surprised as the others who were listening. 
Here I offer you these wisdoms, with my questions and the Angels answers. 
Enjoy for yourself and send me your comments. 
We are still researchign this phenomenon. 

With Love and Light,

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